Ion (John) Croitoru, a longtime Hamilton-based biker, is now in a West Coat jail cell, awaiting charges on a murder plot involving the United Nations gang, who got their name by the diversity of criminals in their midst. Croitoru had been working as a security guard, sometimes standing watch over visiting celebrities, at the time of his latest arrest.
Croitoru and several others in the now-defunct Satan’s Choice were once arrested after trying to blow up the Sudbury Police Station. He launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit against police after he was charged with murdering Lynn and Fred Gilbank, Ancaster lawyers who were killed in their home in 1998. That case remains unsolved.
He is a walking challenge to the belief that sports build character. He once played Major Junior Hockey before becoming a professional wrestler, sweating and bodyslamming under the names “Bruiser Bedlam,” “The Terrible Turk,” and “Johnny K-9“. The story is that he adopted the “Johnny K-9″ moniker after he saw “Canine” on a police van once when he was being arrested.